The Michelle Ann School of Dance and Peforming Arts was founded in January 2008.
Since the beginning, the school has participated and been successful in BTDA accredited examinations, National competitions, performed at Riders Basketball, BTDA Gala weekends and have seen lectures from some of the top choreographers within the industry.
Our aims at the school are to encourage children to reach their full potential and to help install confidence self discipline and professionalism for their future paths.
Each pupil is treated as an individual and nurtured for their own capabilities in a fun and friendly environment whilst ensuring correct technique and alignments.
All of our teachers have many years experience working with children and are DBS checked, insured, first aid trained and have a child safeguarding policy for your confidence and peace of mind entrusting your child into our care.
The dance school is a member of British Theatre Dance Association (BTDA) who offer stipulations we as members must uphold to ensure a high level of teaching and undertake their graded examinations that are accredited by the Graded Qualification Alliance (GQAL)